Rachel Scheer: How to Create Real and Lasting Change this New Year

Today, in the Scheer Madness Podcast, after reflecting on our past year, Rachel dives deep into the sometimes difficult topic of CHANGE.  She discusses what we actually have control over as human beings and offers some tips on how to find out what we cannot control.  All of this is connected to the idea of our “greater picture” in life as we learn to create true and lasting change.

For more information about working with our team at Rachel Scheer Nutrition, book a free 30-minute call at www.rachelscheer.com/application and learn more about functional wellness coaching at https://rachelscheer.com/functional-wellness-coaching/

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  • 00:00 Intro + looking ahead
  • 04:24 Change + lifestyle habits
  • 09:44 How does change occur?
  • 12:39 “Must” instead of “should”
  • 17:15 It can change
  • 20:18 The greater picture
  • 24:39 What you have control over
  • 28:23 Pay attention to your state
  • 30:42 Creating a list

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[00:00:00] Rachel Scheer: Hey everyone, and welcome back to a another episode of sheer madness. And it is 2023 Coming at you live on January 2. And I don’t know about you guys, but I got some big goals here for 2023. And this last year has been a year just full of blessings. And I sat here on New Year’s Eve, and just looking back at everything that God has blessed me with in my life, all of the abundance and the prosperity and feeling so grateful. Because honestly, like five years ago, I was not where I am now, today, you know, I was, you know, financially broke living paycheck to paycheck, working as a nutritionist and making very, very minimal, not really feeling like I had the mission and the purpose like I do now today, I was relationship broke, I actually had just walked away from a five and a half year relationship where I was engaged. You know, physically, mentally, I was struggling, I was dealing with all my gut issues, and I was diving into doing some of my own healing work, struggling a lot with depression, anxiety, and it was rock bottom for me in a lot of ways, but it was actually one of the best things that could have ever happened to me, because I wouldn’t be who I am now today. And I wouldn’t have been able to step into my god given potential, if it wasn’t for everything that I had walked through. So sitting here on, you know, January 2, you know, as I was looking back on New Year’s Eve, I had to really take a moment and, you know, really give all of it to God, you know, for all of the abundance in my life. Also abundance isn’t financial wealth, you know, let me be clear about that. Abundance is relationships, financial groundedness, it is also financial freedom, but it is time management. And it’s in those key areas where I feel like, we get to step into the version of ourself that God has called us to really be so I’m so grateful to be where I’m at here today. But for anybody who’s listening, and, you know, isn’t where you know, that you’re capable of really stepping into, trust me, I get it, I probably get it more than anybody could ever get it. And as you step into 2023 Here, you know, if we don’t change ourself, if you don’t change yourself, nothing else will change. A lot of people get to the point where they believe that, you know, it must change what I’m doing, you know, my health, my mental health, my relationship, my job, it’s not working. But it’s not enough just to get to a point where we believe that it’s not working, we also have to believe that what we’re doing, and how we’re operating is not working. It can’t just be it must change, it has to be I must change and on top of it, we have to have the belief and the faith that it in, I can change. So I want to share with you guys a talk that I gave for my gut health repair program about creating true and lasting change. Because I love creating new year resolutions. I love setting goals. Like I said, I got some big goals set here for 2023. But the greatest thing you can ever do is the work that you do on yourself. And that is how true in the lasting change occurs. So you guys, I hope you enjoy this talk that I gave at my gut health repair program, and you get a lot out of it. So there you go.

[00:04:21] Rachel Scheer: Alright guys, welcome to our second gut health repair program coaching call. So you guys all have by now watched the first teaching video, all about the importance of gut health. We went over, you know why it is so important to heal our gut, but also how we need to optimize our skeletal muscle mass. We’re all after getting to the place of optimal health. And there’s really those two things that are going to be key healed and optimize gut microbiome. And on top of it, optimize skeletal muscle mass and We do that through the foods that we’re putting into our body, but also through exercise as well, which is why throughout this entire program, you guys also get a three month workout program. Because lifting weights is super important for your body composition, your metabolism, optimal health, and of course, longevity as well. We touched on why gut health is important, what causes the gut to become off in the first place, we talked about, you know, medications, food triggers, food, toxins, stress, all of those things can play a role. And then we dove into what the three our approach is going to look like. Because healing the gut is not just pulling up some different foods and saying up, we’ve healed the gut, right, we need to remove those triggers, we need to replace the food that caused the gut to be off in the first place with good healthy food that’s going to help promote a good robust microbiome. And what I mean by robust microbiome is lots of good bacteria throughout our entire gastrointestinal tract. Because we know the more diverse our microbiome is, the greater that is associated with longevity and optimal health. So we got to remove the triggers, we got to replace them with good gut healthy foods that helped build up a good microbiome. And we even pulled out a bit of food triggers like FODMAPs, too. Now I’m going to touch on this again. But FODMAPs aren’t necessarily bad for the gut. However, they are oftentimes a trigger when you have some dysbiosis. So dysbiosis is just that fancy word for an imbalance of the good and the bad bacteria, and FODMAPs are the bacterias favorite food source. So when we have dysbiosis, we pull them out just for a short period of time, along with all of those other gut triggers, and add in a lot of the other gut healing foods. So that’s really what we’re focused on this first month, remove and replace. And then over the next couple of months, we’re going to be diving into a protocol to eradicate some of this bacteria. Because although we can make a ton of changes, just by nutrition alone, sometimes we can add in some key targeted supplements to actually target some of the bacterial overgrowth to help get rid of some of that bacteria. And then we’re gonna re inoculate the gut with good bacteria. So we want to add in some more good guys, since we tried to get rid of some of the bad guys that have kind of overcome our gut microbiome. And we want to work on repairing our gut lining. Because sometimes when we’ve had a diet, that’s not so great stress, our gut can become inflamed. And we can actually develop something called intestinal permeability, which is when that gut lining begins to break down and become weakened. And this is when we get food bacteria, toxins leaking into the bloodstream, triggering an immune and inflammatory response. And over time, this is actually what leads to, you know, immune conditions, it can lead to different kind of autoimmune conditions, it can lead to allergies, it can lead to food sensitivities. So this is why healing the gut is really so essential for overall health. So you’re just on part one right now, remove, replace, but don’t worry, or we’re going to be stepping into here and over the next couple of months, eradicate repair, and then into rynok, collate and reintroduce. And this is focused on the healing and with a goal of getting into gut health and building up that healthy robust gut microbiome. So today, I really want to dive into more. So talking a little bit about change and lifestyle habits here. Because you guys have a lot of the tools, from the last call diving into the foods that we need to remove what you need to add in, we talked even a little bit about meal timing there too. So we want to give the gut some time for that to really do its job, and to accomplish what we want it to accomplish. And for most people, you know, we want to have that in place for at least 30 days. So that’s why we’re doing this for an entire month long before we transition into the next phase, because our body does need to adjust, get adapted, and also making changes heart. Right. Like it is hard to make changes. And this isn’t a protocol where we’re like, okay, we’re just gonna like cut out a couple of things here and we’re gonna like focus on eating healthy. You know, this is a gut healing protocol. Like I get it like this isn’t something that is necessarily easy. Now it doesn’t have to be hard, but it’s not the average just you know, eat last workout more type approach. But people who follow this plan, they do get incredible gut healing results. And I won’t say it’s perfect for everybody, because everybody’s gut is completely unique. But it does play a massive, massive role in really getting the gut to a much better place. And that’s really what I’m after here is I’m really after getting you guys the best results through this entire program. So if we go back to what we talked about on our very, very first coaching call your gods is number one role is to play full out, playing full out showing up on all of these coaching calls, taking notes, you know, asking questions as questions come up, you know, we’re not saying again, you have to be perfect throughout this entire program, but giving it your best showing up, because that’s what’s going to allow you to get the best results throughout this entire program. So playing full out always, every single time, because it’s easy at the beginning, right? It’s easy at the beginning, when you know, motivation is high. Oh my gosh, I’m starting this program. And I will say for most people, you know, we start out with this what I call uninformed optimism. Uninformed optimism is where everybody starts out, and actually have a beautiful chart that I’m going to add in. But it goes uninformed optimism, to typically informed pessimism.

[00:11:27] Rachel Scheer: And then what comes after that is typically what we call the valley of despair. The valley of despair is like this point where we’re like, oh, my gosh, I think I might quit. This is too much. I don’t know if I can do it. And that’s normal for that to come up. But it’s at that point, where we get to really make a decision, we get to make a decision to say, okay, you know, what, I’m gonna quit, I’m gonna have to start over and stay on this whole circle that I’ve been on. Or I should say, the cycle of getting to this point, saying it’s too hard. And I’m right back to where I was before. Or we could make the decision to, to push through a little bit. And usually, it’s at that point, when we get past, which is usually, after 30 days, as well, we get into informed optimism, because we start to build confidence in herself. You’re like, you know what, this was hard at the beginning. But it’s not that hard anymore. You know what, like, I actually don’t even miss any of those foods that I pulled out, I’m starting to feel better, I have better energy. You know, what, I got some good systems down. Now I know what I’m eating for breakfast, for lunch and dinner, I’m starting to enjoy my meals, like, you know what, I can do this, I can do this, you know, for for a while. And you know what, I think I even want to do it for a lot longer. And that’s the place where you guys are gonna get to, you know, after you kind of pushed through, we get into that informed, informed optimism. And then we go to success and successes, or we’re like, Ah, I did it. I went through all of this. And we get to step into that place of having so much pride in doing the work because I’ve been there before, and been there with all my own gut issues, frustrated, fearful of like, okay, this is just another thing that’s not going to work. This is too restrictive. You know, all of the stories that come up along the way, trust me been there, I get it 100%. So just know that that whole process, it’s kind of like this little downward kind of going up is very normal. It’s normal, any time we decide to create change in our life. But anytime you are up leveling in your life, which you could say up leveling is healing up leveling his growth. It’s massively uncomfortable. And it requires us to do things that we haven’t done before. And it’s when we really step away from resistance and into allowing, and just leaning into that, yes, it’s uncomfortable. Oh my gosh, like, it’s, it’s hard, but you know what I’m going to do it, that things start to click, and we start to really start to see the results, ultimately. So let’s talk a little bit about how does change actually occur? Do you think change occurs in an instant or overtime? Alyssa,

[00:14:17] Client: I was just gonna say, I think it’s a journey. Like I don’t think it’s something that’s gonna happen overnight. It’s something that like, you have to put the work in every single day this to change. That makes sense.

[00:14:31] Rachel Scheer: That makes total sense. Yeah. So something that that’s a journey. Anyone else have any definitions of how they feel like change occurs?

[00:14:40] Client: I was consistency. Through consistency. Yes.

[00:14:45] Rachel Scheer: Okay. Do you feel like it’s in an instant or do you feel like it’s over time? Over two hours, maybe a commitment, maybe a better word, but over time, definitely feel like lasting change takes a longer time. To develop. Awesome, awesome. So these are all awesome answers. And all of your answers make total sense. But believe it or not, change actually happens in an instant. It happens in an instant. And I know that’s kind of mind blowing a little bit, we contemplate change for a really long time, our role and change what we actually have control over, believe it or not, it happens in an instant. And change actually occurs when the pain of our current circumstances becomes greater than the pain of the actual change. So I’m going to say that, again, when the pain of our current circumstances becomes greater than the pain of the actual change, because sometimes, like we do find pain in the change, right? This is when we’re like, I gotta give up these foods, oh, my gosh, I got to start working out and get in the gym, and I’m sore. And we see the pain of change, sometimes it’s missing out, right, we get a little bit FOMO and missing out on social events and good foods at parties. And we view that as pain. But until the pain of where we’re at becomes greater. This is usually where we stay stuck. Now how many of you guys have ever seen somebody in their life who is really trying to get healthy for a long time, you know, they, they would try, they would try to eat healthy, they would go to the gym, they would work out. And then they’d kind of fall off. But then all of a sudden, they were given maybe a diagnosis of type two diabetes, or they were given a diagnosis of heart disease, or even cancer. And then all of a sudden, guess what happened, they started to be able to make those changes pretty consistently. So what actually happened there, the pain of the current circumstance became greater than the pain of having to create the change. Now, it doesn’t have to be something like that, and definitely does. But it doesn’t have to be like we get a cancer diagnosis like or anything like that, for some people it does. But really, what it requires is, this is more important than the pain of the change there ultimately. And I know for myself, like my gut issues, were at the point where I was willing to do whatever because I was so massively unhappy, unconfident in my body, I felt like I was a prisoner in my body. I had no energy, depression, anxiety, you know, you guys heard it all on the very first call that we did know, I had all of that stuff. So my pain was so great, I was willing to do whatever that I had to do in order to create the change that I needed in my life. And that’s the kind of mentality that we want to be able to develop. And essentially, what actually happens there is it’s becoming a must, instead of a shud, it must change, it must change, instead of it should change, you see the difference there must change versus should change. And I’ll share with you another example of why this actually happens. In an instance, again, our role in creating change, no physical change there in the body. But have you ever been in a relationship? That was like not the healthiest relationship? Maybe it was like a toxic relationship, or you just knew it wasn’t the right relationship, but we kind of like stuck it out. For a while, you’re like, I’m gonna kind of stick this out because it wasn’t like bad enough. You’re like, Okay, I’m not really happy. But you know what, I’m going to kind of stay in this. And then all of a sudden, you got to that moment in time where you were like, That’s it. I’ve had it. I’ve had enough. I’m on here. We’ve all been there before, right? 95% of your body’s serotonin is produced by the bacteria that resides in your gut. And this explains why when my gut was wreck, or when clients come to work with me at Rachel share nutrition, they don’t just suffer from things like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, but they also have symptoms of anxiety, depression, and brain fog, because our gut and our brain are highly interconnected. And as Hippocrates says, all disease begins and ends in the gut. And this is the exact reason why I am so passionate about taking a functional root cause based approach for any chronic health condition, gut issues, mental health, illness, autoimmune conditions, stubborn weight loss, you name it. Me and my team do a comprehensive analysis looking at all these different systems, so we can test instead of just guess And then develop a customized nutrition plan and protocol to address these root causes and balances in the body and restore function. If you want to book a free 30 minute call with anyone for my team, click the link in the show notes or visit Rachel share.com.

[00:17:15] Rachel Scheer: So we contemplate change for a really long time, we have a level of I’m not happy, you know, there is pain here. But it requires us getting to the point where that pain becomes to a certain point where we’re like, I’ve had it I’m done, I’m out of here. And that change, that mindset shift happens in an instant, where we say, I’m good, I’m done. And then it becomes easy at that point. So sometimes it is getting to that point. And essentially, it’s getting to that point where we make it a must, essentially. And very often, the only reason we don’t create change is because we think change equals pain. Right? We’re like this change is painful. So that’s where we stay in the circumstance, because we’re like, that’s painful, right? How many guys have ever been like, you know, although I’m not happy here, you know, and I want to have change. But if I go through this entire approach, if I go through all of this, and if I don’t get the change, then I’m going to be even more disappointed, I’m going to feel even worse. So you know what, I’m not going to set myself up for that disappointment. So I’m just going to stay right here. Right, like, we view that pain, we like anticipate that pain to be so high that again, we inhibit our healing, how do we make this an absolute must, because one of the beliefs we have to step into is one, it must change. And all of you guys are on this call. Because you have that belief, you have the belief that it must change, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, you’re like, something’s got to change, whether it’s with my nutrition, whether it’s with some protocols that I’m doing for my god, whether it’s my strengths, it must change. And that’s the very first step we have to get to that place of it must change. And then number two, the second belief that we have to carry is I must change, right? I must change, meaning I am responsible for this change. Now, you may work with a coach, you may work with a practitioner and somebody who’s going to help guide you to that change. But ultimately, they can give you all the information in the world, right, but who’s doing the work at the end of the day, and who is creating the change in their life? Right. So not only is it It must change, it is I must change. And that’s that ownership part that’s taking massive, massive ownership, I must change, I’m the source I’m responsible. And then once we have those two we have it must change, I must change. The third piece we have to have is it can change. Because if you don’t believe that it can, even if you believe that it must change, that I must change, you know that I’m responsible. But if you don’t believe that it can change, then you won’t put the effort in in order to get the results, right. So that’s really the third piece to the equation, it’s it must change, I must change. And I believe it. And I can change in once we have all three of those, right? Once we have all three of those, that’s when we step into that place where we’re really in that place of power, and we’re able to create the change that we want. So a lot of this journey to is really stepping into a place where we control the things that we have control over. Then we also surrender to some of the things that we don’t have control over. And as you go throughout this course, you guys will see me get massively tactical, you will see me talk all about the foods that are triggers for your gut and different protocols and the supplements to take and we’ll talk about fasting. And this next call, we’re gonna dive into macros and hitting your protein and calories. But you’ll also hear me talk a lot about this too. Because again, we can have all the information in the world, we can have all the plans, the protocols, we can have all of that. But if we don’t believe we can change, and we don’t own our own role in that change, then we’re not going to be able to get the results. And what I see oftentimes is when we don’t have number two, and then goes into the place of right how many guys have seen it’s everybody else’s fault, right? The nine you know, it’s the program, it’s everybody else. It’s not it’s not my fault. And then, you know, this is where again, we get into that cycle in that loop. So knowing that is Again, for you guys who are listening or like thinking of things previously in the past maybe that have popped up where maybe change has been hard one, massive awareness is what is so powerful for creating the change in the life you want. Because that’s, again, why you guys are all here. It’s not just about the gut. Yeah, we all want to have a healthy gut. But part of the homework that we talked about last time was getting massively clear on what your definition of health is. And you want to have health, to create a life that you want for yourself, you want to feel a certain way, every single day, you want to have the energy to do certain things to fulfill your life’s purpose. That’s why we’re on this journey. That’s that massive, powerful, why? So we’ll talk a little bit about extending that homework, but it’s not just about the guy because that was just about I want to have, I don’t have good gut bacteria, right? That’s not enough. And it’s the same thing with weight loss, too, right? It was just about the way like, that’s not enough. Because when the going gets hard, we’ll quit. If it’s just about the weight, if it’s just about the weight, we will quit. But if it’s about something greater, if it’s about I am doing this, because this is me stepping into a version of myself that can show up and live my life’s mission, to carry that out. Which whether that’s through your career, whether that’s through your family, whether that’s through your children, if it’s because of that, you will stick it out when the going gets hard. But if it’s just about the weight, if it’s just about you know, I want to get rid of these gut issues, it’s often not enough.

[0020:18] Rachel Scheer: It has to be the the greater picture of why we’re trying to get healthy, because of a certain life that we’re trying to create for yourself. So if you guys want to go back to your homework a bit there of my definition of health is, what I recommend doing is tying that to your life. Tying that to your life, my definition of health is feeling my very best every single day having the freedom to do the things I want to do to travel to have the energy to carry out my life’s passion, to have longevity to wake up in the morning and have have energy, you know, right off the bat to not have to rely on six, seven cups of coffee, to not have to think and worry about gut issues or anything like that. So I can focus on everybody else around me in the mission that I’m on. Now, that’s my definition of health. And each of you guys are going to have your own definition. So as much as we can tie this definition to our own individual mission, the more successful we’re going to be. And that’s where success during this looks like what. And it’s always tied to the feeling. You know, for me when I went through this, you know, and I had to heal my gut. For me success was getting to a point where when I wasn’t thinking about my gut, but to where I just would wake up and I had energy in the day. You know, I woke up and I felt good about myself, when I was looking in the mirror, I had confidence. And you know what was even more interesting, a lot of that actually came from me showing up for myself, me doing the work, doing the work, even when it was hard, because a lot of that confidence actually came from there. You know, even when that little little guy in my head came up with like, I don’t feel like it, I don’t want you. Instead, what came up is you know what, we’re going to act in spite of thoughts, feelings, moods, and emotions, and being that like loving parent for yourself, and doing it and over time, like brick by brick by brick, I had more competence in myself. And what I was doing was creating the results. So I had more energy, I had more confidence, and I was getting results. And that’s how it’s built brick by brick by brick. And it actually oftentimes comes partially from doing the work. Yes, the protocol specifically working in the body, but also the way we feel about ourselves oftentimes comes from that second part, so tying it to the feeling how do you want to feel every single day that’s that success piece of really what we’re chasing after, if I don’t achieve this health if I don’t achieve you know, feeling this way, this means x y&z for me and that’s where that’s that pain piece right there. If I don’t achieve this, this means this for my life, this is that pain piece. And this is the part that we want to get very clear like it’s a big deal. Right? It’s a big deal to not feel good every single day like we brush it off and we’re like, you know what, I don’t have energy that like we have to ask the question like what is it costing you Right? Like what is it really actually costing you? What is it costing you with your friends, your family was a costing you with how you feel about yourself, was it costing you and your career? So by not achieving this? Really what is it costing you? That’s where I want you guys to To go back to those questions, my definition of health is number one to success during the gut health repair program looks like it’s tied to the feeling. Number three, if I don’t achieve this, this means blank for me in my life. So let’s get massively clear on that. Let’s go back and read look at that again. And then let’s talk a little bit about now the things that you do have control over on this journey. Number one is what to focus on. And anytime we’re creating change what I’m about to cover here Next, there are really three big things that will dictate a decision in any circumstance, not only the decision for action throughout this gut health repair program, it’ll dictate your decision of whether you decide to go to the gym, it’ll dictate your impulsive buys and things you want to shop for. Anytime we make a decision, there are three things that really come into play in every single moment. The first one I already said, it’s what we focus on. Because what we focus on grows, and we’re focus goes energy flows. It’s kind of like a fun thing where focus goes, energy flows. And that’s where if our focus is at everything we’re missing out on, right, I’m missing out on some of these foods and missing out on the cookies and missing out on these old foods, I like guess what’s going to happen, we’re going to feel that it’s going to create an energy in the body. So if we’re focusing on that, that’s going to make a massive impact in your decisions in the moment, right, because your physiology is actually going to change. So what we focus on grows, so we have control over what we focus on. And to we have control over what things mean. So the meaning we make of everything. And that’s where we’re going throughout this entire journey, especially as we get to that point of, alright, I’m in the informed pessimism. And now I’m going into the valley of despair. This is where we get to choose the meaning is the meaning we’re going to make, I’m being challenged.

[00:32:07] Rachel Scheer: I’m being challenged to grow, and to step into this healing that I say that I want for myself, that I’m being forced to have to uplevel to create the health, the wealth, the life that I want for myself, where’s the meaning, you know, this is too hard, I can’t do it. Right? So we get to choose the meaning. And nothing in life really has meaning at all, except the meaning that you give it right? How many guys have had something that you thought meant something in your life that all sudden the meaning shift, and you’re like, right, like, for me, that was my gut issues. Actually, I was like, this was the worst. I was like, this is the most awful thing that ever happened. But it became the best thing that ever happened to me because I wouldn’t be who I am now, because of what I had to learn what I had to walk through the discipline, I got to develop along the way. And now I get to speak and I get to make an impact. And I get to look back and say, You know what, that was the best thing that ever happened and the meaning shifted for me. So in the moment when we can shift the meaning. That’s where we get a step and again to that place of power. So what we focus on, we focus on grows, meaning, what is the meaning that we’re making of it, nothing in life has meaning except the meaning we give it. The number three is our state, our physical body, our state. So our state is our posture, our breath, our pitch and voice. So very often, when we make most of our impulsive decisions, especially around food, we’re usually in some kind of a state, we’re stressed out, it’s a long day after work, we’re tired. And we’re physically in a certain state where when we’re in a different state, let’s just say we just got done with a workout, we got a good night asleep, we’re feeling good, we’re in a different state, we’re like, I’m good. I don’t need this, I got all this, I can crush it. So our physical state matters. So one of the best things we can do is one pay attention to our state because our states actually our patterns, for triggers and habits and actions that we take. So a lot of the impulses decisions we make, it’s usually coming in a very, very certain state that we’re in. So what does that mean? That means if we’re noticing, where focus is going, we’re noticing that we’re being maybe negative about something, we’re looking at it from a pessimistic standpoint, you know, what’s the best thing you can do? Go change your state is degree change your state because our state follows emotional patterns based off of what were in about you Oh, if I put a screen that was like a lighting up the screen, kind of like a white sheet with people behind it where you could kind of see their silhouettes and I had a guy Uh, you know, kind of hunched over there like this, I bet you could tell what his emotional state was just by his, his physical state. Right? It’d be depressed, he’d be sad. You could have someone who’s standing there like this and their state and you know that they were, you know, somebody who is competent, you know, so are we can change our physical state, that’s something else we have control over. So the best thing and you’re noticing you’re mad, you’re upset, you’re triggered, you’re having those negative thoughts, go change your state. That’s why I love exercising, physically change your state doesn’t always mean you got to go exercise, you can go for a walk, you can go get up, get out of your chair and go do something different. But notice, when you’re getting a lot of those food triggers of like, I want to do this, like physically change your state is one of the best things you can ever do for yourself. The other day, I was like feeling kind of low, low energy. And this is when I go a bit negative, I went outside my backyard, and it was sunlight. And I started like doing some push ups out there. And then I just kind of sat there in the sun, and I physically changed my state. And I came back and I was like, what was that so bothering me, right? So what we focus on the meaning that we give everything, and then our physical state. And our state really is the filter to what we focus on what we make things mean to us. And that’s, that’s the power. And that’s the control that we ultimately get to have. So part two to your guys’s homework, along with going back to your definition, is I want you to also take a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle of this sheet of paper. And on one side write what I have control over the other side write what I don’t have control over and want you guys to list out everything on this journey, what you have control over. So I’ve already kind of mentioned a couple of them. But there can be other things I can have control over the food that I have in my house, I have control over what I choose to put into my body, when I go out to eat at restaurants, I have control over you know, my schedule, you know, so list out everything, like as many as you can have what you have control over. And then I want you to list out what you don’t have control over. Right. And what we don’t have control over is I can control, you know, the food that I’m putting in my body having all of that following the plans and the protocols. But I don’t I can’t control you know, if I get an upset stomach, I don’t have control over that I can control if I get a little bit bloated. So what’s powerful about this is we know what we have control over. And then on the other side, we know what we get a release, trying to have control over. And that was something that was super helpful for me on my own healing journey. Because oftentimes anxiety comes from trying to control things that we don’t have control over. Right? You can ask yourself in the moment, what am I trying to control that I don’t actually have control over. And typically, it’s something that we really actually can’t control. So make a list of those things like we don’t have control over the symptoms, we can control the controllables, which we are, but we’re we’re healing and healing, there’s the thing at the end. And that doesn’t mean we do one thing, and we’re healed. So if we still have some symptoms, you know, as we’re healing, we don’t have control over that, right. So that’s where we get to surrender into that release any of those things as they come up. But then on the other side, we get to control we do have control over. And that’s what’s empowering, too, because sometimes we think we don’t have control over these things. But we really actually do have control over these things. So those two things will be massively, massively powerful. So going back to the homework from last time going over what you have control over what you don’t have control over and we’re going to continue to grow on this. So your homework between now and our next session is going to be this homework along with diving into content number two, it might be two or three in the portal. I’m gonna say both for the recording two or three, but all about macros protein, we’re going to be diving into that. So we talked a lot about the gut healing protocol, you’re going to be continuing that now we’re going to talk about macros because the food matters what we put into our body but also how much we matters, especially if we’re trying to optimize our muscle mass. So we’re gonna switch gears kind of focus a little bit more about that get a bit more tactical. So you guys watch that video. Come with questions here for next week. We’re going to answer all of them and I will see you then

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