Gut Dysbiosis / SIBO Quiz

Have you been told that your digestive symptoms are simply IBS?

Are you frustrated and feel like you’ve been given no explanation as to why your digestive symptoms are happening?

Do you have unexplained skin issues, chronic fatigue, brain-fog, depression, anxiety, or an autoimmune condition?

Find out if your symptoms may be caused by Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) or gut dysbiosis (an imbalance of bacteria in the gut.)

Gut Dysbiosis / SIBO quiz

Step 1 of 3

I feel that my bowels do not fully empty each day
I experience lower abdominal pain relieved by passing stool or gas
I experience constipation or diarrhea
I experience more than 4 partial bowel movements each day or sometimes miss days passing stool all together
I experience excess bloating
My bloating is the worst at the end of every day
I experience gas immediately after eating a meal

My Favorite Gut Healthy Supplements + Snacks From Paleovalley

Rachel's favorite foods and supplements used to fuel her day and stay on track.